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The most frustrating thing about anxiety is the fact that you know you're overthinking, you know you're freaking out while there is no reason whatsoever, yet you still do. Controlling your emotion is a mission on its own. It requires so much strength to live with anxiety; it is a constant battle.

Anxiety knocks on my door soon as stress is at company. It took me years to be able to deal with it and overcome it. I have tried so many different means from music and art to counselling - in result together succeeded. With music and art helped calm my mind, they shielded away all the negativity and stress while counselling helped put things in perspective and giving me some clarity.

Why do we face anxiety? And how can we escape it? I've always been fascinated by the human mind. The brain with all it's complex neurons. I felt one way to fight anxiety is to enter its core, its mind.

What is Anxiety?

Have you ever experienced this feeling of walls closing in follow up by intense panics? Anxiety is a disorder, an uncontrollably feeling where one would excessively worry, in constant fear from everyday situations.

My experience with anxiety feels like being in the spinning teacup ride, losing control of the weel and hanging on to it at my tightest grip. Let go and slide off? That sounds like the best solution right at this moment. Let go.

What happens to our brain when we are stressed?

The stress hormone linked to your mood, motivation and fear known as cortisol sets off soon as you experience stress. This alters your immunity, suppresses your digestive system and affects how your body uses its carbs and fats. So keep in mind it may not be your occasional Starbucks trips that prevent you from weight loss.

According to the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, stress also kill new neurons in the brain's hippocampus. That region is connected to the memory, emotion and your learning

Not only stress harms your brain. Your bad habits play its role too.

7 habits that are damaging to your brain.

1. Multi-tasking

Switching from one task to another has its cost - it increases the stress hormone cortisol and rewires your brain to be less effective. Sometimes the best thing to do is doing one thing at a time - that way you'll be able to give your undivided attention and focus to this one task, efficiently achieving it stress-free! So it's OK if you're not a pro at multi-tasking - the end result is what matters!

2. Inactivity

Many as they reach their senior years would prefer to delay retirement and continue staying active in work, creating businesses or staying busy with hobbies. The more active you are, the more productive your brain will be. It's like a machine, keep it aside, and soon it will rust and deteriorate.


Studies have shown that listening to music at high levels damages our ears - resulting in brain problems like Alzheimer's. Yes, my mum took the "I told you so" opportunity in a heartbeat! She didn't hold back. All those years of our mums and dads telling us off, to remove those headphones or to turn down the music were for a legit reason! - mother knows best!

4.Info overload

Taking in so much information in a short period won't do you any good. It's not about your attention life span; Your brain just needs a break from the information and time to soak up the information and process it.

5. Screen time

I'm old school when it comes to kids and screens, rather than spending all their free time playing video games and staring at their phone screen, out in the great outdoors and being physically active is the way to go. Studies have shown that excessive screen time with kids affects their brain development - their focus and language. Have you ever heard of the term - TV rots your brain? That could be the other literal reason.

6. Sleep deprivation

When you sleep, that's when your brain regains its oxygen and the rest it needs. Not sleeping is like starving your brain, which results in not being able to function quite well throughout the day. When you sleep, the brain takes the opportunity to repair the neurons that it used and damaged all day. It's like you're giving your neurons the chance to relax before they get back to work.

It is also the time for your brain to process information while you're asleep, which then helps you focus during the day. Meantime your brain also clears out toxins and boosts your immunity; Hence why we're advised to get enough rest whenever feeling ill.

7. Meal skipping

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I couldn't agree more. Your brain needs to be fed, and it needs its nutrients to function throughout the day; however, overeating doesn't only lead to unwanted weight gain but as well hardens the brain arteries damaging our mental abilities.

Happy Chemicals

Now that we've exposed the bad habits that are damaging to the brain, the good news is, there are ways to protect your brain! But first, let me introduce you to the brain's happy chemicals.


Do you know that motivating feeling you get soon as you're rewarded? That energy or feeling is the Neurons that connect or transmit messages between the nerve cells - which wire you to turn on the good feeling.


Produced in the brain, mostly found in the digestive system as well throughout the central nervous system. This amino acid enters your body through a proper healthy diet - usually found in nuts, cheese and red meat. Serotonin is what makes you feel happy, calm and focused.


Known as the "cuddle hormone" is stimulated by trust and touch. Neurons connect when oxytocin flows, which guides your future trust. Our brain makes careful decisions about when to release this good feeling. So you know that moment when you have that feeling in your "gut" that you can trust that person or a certain situation? The sense of safety? That's your oxytocin. So instead of trusting your "gut" trust your "oxytocin"!


Triggered soon as you feel pain from an injury, endorphin masks your pain for a few minutes then it stops, because feeling pain is crucial for the human body. Laughing and exercising triggers it a bit too, which is why some people start to laugh soon as they feel emotional pain.

Now that we recognized our happy brain chemicals let's look at the 5 good habits to feed your brain.

1. You've got the power!

Recognizing what causes you to stress gives you the upper hand. Remember your cortisol is triggered soon as you start to stress out. You've got the power to build new neural pathways and direct the flow by focusing on something more positive. It takes time you can't achieve that in a day. What I do is meditating every morning - reading, quiet time and reflecting. This helps me start my day on a more positive note and keeps my mind off of what stresses me out. Sometimes when things get too chaotic, I'd take a 5-minute break to clear my mind, read or do some art therapy.

2. Activate your dopamine.

Believe it or not, exercise regularly. Not only that it is a mood booster, but it also improves you physically in every possible way - that is a kind of positive reward you could never reject! Listen to music; Do something that excites you! Whatever makes you feel good.

3. Circle of trust

Sometimes betrayal and constant disappointment lead to trust issues. Not being able to trust anyone, and keeping your guard up will only harm yourself. We can't live our entire lives as lone rangers. Take small steps and slowly bring your guard down. Spend time with your friends because a strong friendship makes a big difference!

4. Stop overthinking and stop worrying!

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter produced by our brain that helps decrease our worries. Constantly worrying about money and what will be and what could've been will not do you any good. Meditate, exercise and eat right or perhaps treat yourself on a spa day, that will help stimulate your serotonin. Do whatever it takes to relax.

5. A day without laughter is another day wasted

Laughing is one of the best medicine to boost your mood and get you out of depression. Laughing triggers endorphin, so humour yourself with an episode or two of Fresh Prince of Bel Air or go to a stand-up comedy show - whatever will make you laugh is what the doctor prescribes.


Brainscape - 10 ways to improve your brain every day Forbes - 7 Habits that may actually change the brain, according to science - Alice G. Walton Harvard Health Publishing - Better habits, better brain health Rediff - 7 bad habits that are killing your brain cells - Vipul Jain

Anxiety disorders - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic. Business Insider - 7 bad daily habits that can damage your brain health and cognitive function and how to break them - Thomas Oppong NeuroNation - 5 daily habits that damage your brain Active beat - Bad habits that can age your brain - Katherine George

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"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."

-Colossians 4:6

Salt? When it comes to seasoning your dish, you're well aware that you need the right amount of salt to enhance and bring out the flavour while not adding enough salt will end up being bland. Salt adds many benefits to your food, one which is keeping your food well preserved.

Christ always seasoned his words well. Something that requires our practice and experience until we learn to create a flavourful conversation.

Paul applies "seasoning with salt" to our conversations, just as Christ used the expression "Salt of the earth" on us as Christians. Salt - being His words, without it, the earth loses its flavour and preservative to save it from spoiling. So when Christ says "You are the Salt of the Earth" it is our responsibility to add flavour to the world and protect it.

We ask ourselves, how can we do that? Where do we begin?

Like any meal comes with a recipe, directions and a lot of practice.

The perfect recipe for a seasoned conversation

1. Grace

First of all, what is grace? According to the dictionary, it is the smoothness and elegance of movement. While in the bible "grace" is the love and kindness that God poured on us as a favour through his salvation, giving us peace in life despite being undeserving.

So how can we speak gracefully?

"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."

- Ephesians 4:32

When we recognise and experience God's grace, regardless of our sinful natures and imperfection as humans, God still gave us the gift of grace. Undeserving yet still, He accepts us with open arms and loves us unconditionally. We can apply that nature with one another - acceptance, love, forgiveness and kindness. When we approach one another with compassion, love and with grace comes self- control. With self-control we are encouraged to use our words wisely, respond calmly in every situation.

"The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made."

— Psalm 145:8-9

2. Pray

Yes, prayers. Many underestimate the power of prayers. Every time I have a conversation with God, my Father, I'm always aware of how I represent myself in front of Him and how to use my words, a great way to train how to present yourself and approach others. With prayers, I'm able to collect my thoughts and clear my mind from distractions, calming me down to be able to face and respond to any situation. Through prayers I gain self-control, strength and some wisdom.

" Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

- Proverbs 3:5-6

3. Wear the helmet of salvation, hold the sword of the Spirit.

"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

- Ephesians 6:17

Being given access to His words is a privilege not everyone has, unfortunately. A powerful tool we take for granted. His words act as a helmet, an essential item in every battle for protection. Helmets are used to protect our heads; with this said, His words protects our minds from evil and toxic thoughts that would cloud our judgments. His word is our sword; the weapon used to kill and defeat enemies (in this case, sins, evil etc.). When it comes to using weapons before battles, we must first train ourselves. That's why with His words not only should we listen to it, but to listen to it carefully, practice it in our daily lives and live in it.

4. Listen first, then speak.

"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."

- James 1:19

"Slow to speak, slow to wrath", a piece of helpful advice that we can use to avoid conflicts and regrets yet Many times I failed to take. We need to take the time to listen and hear what others have to say to respond as necessary rather irrelevantly. What is their concern? Their requests? What is their purpose for this conversation? Sometimes when we listen more than we speak leads to the best results. Slow to speak, When we are slow to speak, we give ourselves the chance to think about what we're about to say. How will it affect the situation? And which direction will this conversation take? Doing this will stop us from saying all the wrong things!

Lastly, slow to wrath, the worst thing is when things escalate quickly more than it deserves. The instant you lose your temper that's when you lose control, control of what you're about to say. With anger, you end up saying harsh words, which will harm not just yourself but towards others. That is why we are asked to be "slow to wrath"; we are given the time to collect our thoughts and calm down the instant we get hyped up.

5. Become His reflection

"Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;"

- Genesis 1:26

When you think of God, how do you feel? Peace, love, compassion, self- sacrifice and grace? What do you see? Light? Now when you see yourself, does your image reflect Him?

So many times when I'm in a situation where I'm not sure how to act, I ask myself the golden question that is: What would Jesus do? Would He openly accept that person's presence, or would He turn him away? Would He forgive them? Would He judge them for what they're about to say?

We are a representation of God's image, the reflection of His image to the world; I always keep that in mind. It is an impossible task and a lot of pressure for an unworthy human like myself to handle. To show God's image, it is through good works, acts of service and His words.

6. Smile

I couldn't emphasise this enough - Smile! I always mention the importance of this in almost every blog I've written. Smiling at someone is a small act yet a powerful one that can even save their life!

"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."

- Mother Teresa

Smile is a part of the journey of grace. A smile reflects the cheerfulness in your heart and joy. We want to share that joy with the world instead of keeping it to ourselves. What better way to do so than through smiling? As according to Proverbs 15:13 "A happy heart makes the face cheerful.." It is the cure to all the sadness and sorrows in the world.

"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people."

-Ephesians 6:7

While serving, we need to serve with a smile on our face, to reflect the joy we have in serving and the love we have for one another. That smile gives people hope in life and the light in the darkness.

Paul wants us to apply Christ's request - becoming the salt of the world. Through grace, we gain compassion, love, patience and peace to respond to every situation and questions directed towards us gracefully. And being the salt of the world, we can preserve the world from ruin, giving it the good flavour it deserves.

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Is it weekend already? What feels like seconds is an hour and in a blink of an eye, it's bedtime already. Life is moving at a fast pace and finding the breathing time to collect our thoughts is nearly impossible.

As an interior designer, my days are drowned with endless phone calls, everlasting meetings and site visits while juggling between projects and my personal life. Greek goddess Eris smiles upon me.

So when do I find the time of day to claim some moment of peace?

How I begin my morning is the foundation for the rest of my day. Kicking off on a positive note will give me the peace of mind that I'll need to conquer all the possible roadblocks I may face throughout the day. Ever heard of waking up on the wrong side of the bed? We can change that. Setting a healthy morning routine will slay the Scrooge of all days.

Early bird

It's weekend, you'd think that sleeping in for the rest of the day will make up for all the lack of sleep during the week. Wrong! Sleeping in is a big no-no. Rather than feeling refreshed, you'll just end up feeling sluggish.

Waking up is indeed the hardest part of the day - especially when it's so early morning. I like to wake up at the crack of dawn - for that, my friends are convinced I can't possibly be human. Who can blame me? I love to take advantage of my morning weekends!

I'm not saying you should wake up at an inhumanely hour, but the earlier, the better. Here's why waking up early morning is essential. Our days are short enough as it is, and taking advantage of your morning will allow you to accomplish so much. You'll be surprised by how much you can achieve during the morning.

We've all agreed that waking up is the hardest part. So here's how we can make it easier for ourselves.

  • My alarm - I can't stand waking up to that obnoxious classic alarm we all know and hate! Instead, I designated a song as my morning song - not too soothing though that would put me right back to sleep!

  • Snooze away - I'm pro snooze. I hate launching out of bed on the first alarm. Many advise against that, but it works wonders for me. Set up 2 alarms, waking up on the first time then snoozing helps me relax, lie down, stretch and gradually get up. Can't get more relaxing than this.

  • Sun Light - Let that morning sunshine through your home. Make your bed and open those curtains. It will stop you from getting tempted to crawl back in those cosy warm bedsheets.

Sweat it off!

Blow that trumpet! You guessed it - a good morning exercise? Yes, you won't have the energy early morning to go for a run or hit the gym but believe me when I say this it makes a world of difference! Have your morning pick me up first - coffee for a boost of energy. I love my morning runs - Under the sun, the coast is clear the breeze is still fresh and Jam up my favourite tunes. After a run like that, you'll be fully energized and recharged. Here's a motivating fact - exercising on an empty stomach has a better effect on weight loss - since you'll be using up energy from the carbs and fat found in your body rather than the food you've recently eaten.

Beauty routine

This doesn't only apply for the ladies, men too need their beauty regimen.

The day I skip my morning beauty routine is the day my skin screams SOS - doesn't feel right. As much as I care how healthy I am on the inside, the outside is equally important. What's my daily skin products? Sunscreen to protect my skin from the sun and moisturizing will prevent ageing as well as rewarding you with healthy and clear skin! Don't skip on any of your products that includes your cleanser, your toner and your eye cream. Brushing your hair daily helps keep it shiny and tangle-free. You'll be distributing the oils needed throughout the hair till the ends while stimulating the scalp, promoting hair growth.


My daily morning routine consists of a good cup of coffee and some quiet time. During my quiet time, I like to meditate - to me, it's a must!

Meditating early morning adds so many benefits.

  • Quiet moment - your mind needs to rest, some peace and quiet. With that, your mind will get the chance to relax gaining clarity.

  • Inner peace - Inner peace means inner harmony. It revokes all the anxieties and stress leaving you calm and collected for the rest of the day.

  • Positivity - I always feel good right after meditating. That puts me on a better mood throughout the day. Rather than viewing things as glass half empty instead, you'll simply see things as glass half full.

  • Focus - With my mind feeling relaxed and clear, I'm able to stay focused throughout the day. Focus is what you need to stay sharp, quick on your toes and get deep into your work and successfully complete your tasks

It's "Me" time

We all need that "Me" time. It is the only time where you're able to do what you want without interference or distraction. Read that book you've been eager to read. Blog away or write, get creative - art, music, whatever it is that puts that smile on your face. Spending some quality time with yourself and giving yourself that undivided attention is the key to having a healthy relationship with yourself.

Plan it out

I'm not talking about weekend plans, I'm talking about those dreaded weekday expeditions we call "work". Giving time to plan out my weekdays helps me get a clear vision of how my week will go. I'm a bit old school when it comes to planners, I like to carry around a little day planner. This is the best way to keep things on track and under control. Doing so helps me organize my days, avoid procrastinating, slacking off and create a healthy balance in my daily routines. Losing that control stresses me. With planners, I have the perfect harmony between my work life and my personal life. Room for changes? Always, sometimes we need to break these routines, be flexible for some adjustments - It's for the best!

Your personalized morning routine

You may have already tried every possible morning routines out there.. But, It's not your cup of tea. At the end of the day, your morning routine should give you the following results :

  1. Inner peace

  2. Focus

  3. Positive mindset

  4. Stress-free.

  5. Feeling healthy inside- out

If your morning routine does not result in any of those, then something must be wrong, and something needs to change. It took me a while to find the perfect morning routine for myself. With a few tweaks and adjustments, I'm able to find one that fits me like a glove. Keep Experimenting and trying different routines until you meet one that gives you the best results.

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