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Waking up on the right side of the bed

Is it weekend already? What feels like seconds is an hour and in a blink of an eye, it's bedtime already. Life is moving at a fast pace and finding the breathing time to collect our thoughts is nearly impossible.

As an interior designer, my days are drowned with endless phone calls, everlasting meetings and site visits while juggling between projects and my personal life. Greek goddess Eris smiles upon me.

So when do I find the time of day to claim some moment of peace?

How I begin my morning is the foundation for the rest of my day. Kicking off on a positive note will give me the peace of mind that I'll need to conquer all the possible roadblocks I may face throughout the day. Ever heard of waking up on the wrong side of the bed? We can change that. Setting a healthy morning routine will slay the Scrooge of all days.

Early bird

It's weekend, you'd think that sleeping in for the rest of the day will make up for all the lack of sleep during the week. Wrong! Sleeping in is a big no-no. Rather than feeling refreshed, you'll just end up feeling sluggish.

Waking up is indeed the hardest part of the day - especially when it's so early morning. I like to wake up at the crack of dawn - for that, my friends are convinced I can't possibly be human. Who can blame me? I love to take advantage of my morning weekends!

I'm not saying you should wake up at an inhumanely hour, but the earlier, the better. Here's why waking up early morning is essential. Our days are short enough as it is, and taking advantage of your morning will allow you to accomplish so much. You'll be surprised by how much you can achieve during the morning.

We've all agreed that waking up is the hardest part. So here's how we can make it easier for ourselves.

  • My alarm - I can't stand waking up to that obnoxious classic alarm we all know and hate! Instead, I designated a song as my morning song - not too soothing though that would put me right back to sleep!

  • Snooze away - I'm pro snooze. I hate launching out of bed on the first alarm. Many advise against that, but it works wonders for me. Set up 2 alarms, waking up on the first time then snoozing helps me relax, lie down, stretch and gradually get up. Can't get more relaxing than this.

  • Sun Light - Let that morning sunshine through your home. Make your bed and open those curtains. It will stop you from getting tempted to crawl back in those cosy warm bedsheets.

Sweat it off!

Blow that trumpet! You guessed it - a good morning exercise? Yes, you won't have the energy early morning to go for a run or hit the gym but believe me when I say this it makes a world of difference! Have your morning pick me up first - coffee for a boost of energy. I love my morning runs - Under the sun, the coast is clear the breeze is still fresh and Jam up my favourite tunes. After a run like that, you'll be fully energized and recharged. Here's a motivating fact - exercising on an empty stomach has a better effect on weight loss - since you'll be using up energy from the carbs and fat found in your body rather than the food you've recently eaten.

Beauty routine

This doesn't only apply for the ladies, men too need their beauty regimen.

The day I skip my morning beauty routine is the day my skin screams SOS - doesn't feel right. As much as I care how healthy I am on the inside, the outside is equally important. What's my daily skin products? Sunscreen to protect my skin from the sun and moisturizing will prevent ageing as well as rewarding you with healthy and clear skin! Don't skip on any of your products that includes your cleanser, your toner and your eye cream. Brushing your hair daily helps keep it shiny and tangle-free. You'll be distributing the oils needed throughout the hair till the ends while stimulating the scalp, promoting hair growth.


My daily morning routine consists of a good cup of coffee and some quiet time. During my quiet time, I like to meditate - to me, it's a must!

Meditating early morning adds so many benefits.

  • Quiet moment - your mind needs to rest, some peace and quiet. With that, your mind will get the chance to relax gaining clarity.

  • Inner peace - Inner peace means inner harmony. It revokes all the anxieties and stress leaving you calm and collected for the rest of the day.

  • Positivity - I always feel good right after meditating. That puts me on a better mood throughout the day. Rather than viewing things as glass half empty instead, you'll simply see things as glass half full.

  • Focus - With my mind feeling relaxed and clear, I'm able to stay focused throughout the day. Focus is what you need to stay sharp, quick on your toes and get deep into your work and successfully complete your tasks

It's "Me" time

We all need that "Me" time. It is the only time where you're able to do what you want without interference or distraction. Read that book you've been eager to read. Blog away or write, get creative - art, music, whatever it is that puts that smile on your face. Spending some quality time with yourself and giving yourself that undivided attention is the key to having a healthy relationship with yourself.

Plan it out

I'm not talking about weekend plans, I'm talking about those dreaded weekday expeditions we call "work". Giving time to plan out my weekdays helps me get a clear vision of how my week will go. I'm a bit old school when it comes to planners, I like to carry around a little day planner. This is the best way to keep things on track and under control. Doing so helps me organize my days, avoid procrastinating, slacking off and create a healthy balance in my daily routines. Losing that control stresses me. With planners, I have the perfect harmony between my work life and my personal life. Room for changes? Always, sometimes we need to break these routines, be flexible for some adjustments - It's for the best!

Your personalized morning routine

You may have already tried every possible morning routines out there.. But, It's not your cup of tea. At the end of the day, your morning routine should give you the following results :

  1. Inner peace

  2. Focus

  3. Positive mindset

  4. Stress-free.

  5. Feeling healthy inside- out

If your morning routine does not result in any of those, then something must be wrong, and something needs to change. It took me a while to find the perfect morning routine for myself. With a few tweaks and adjustments, I'm able to find one that fits me like a glove. Keep Experimenting and trying different routines until you meet one that gives you the best results.

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